The 35 members of our student council along with sponsor Jennifer Kelly packed 80 complete shower kits for the Haywood Pathways Center. The Haywood Pathways Center is a homeless shelter, soup kitchen and halfway house located only miles from our middle school. All WMS students were asked to bring in the necessary items which included shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, toothpaste and a toothbrush. The student council was humbled by the number of items brought in by students and parents.

Once the items were collected, the student council gathered in the school cafeteria and packed the kits in an assembly line fashion. Eighty complete kits were created and the remaining items were packaged in one bag. Student council officers and Mrs. Kelly then drove the items to the Open Door and left them with Mindy Rathbone who runs the Open Door with Perry Hines. Rathbone delivered the items to the Haywood Pathways Center. As guest check in to the homeless shelter, they will be provided a shower kit to use during their time at the shelter.

The student council members said they enjoyed this project immensely and want to work with the Pathways Center again in the spring, possibly completing a painting or landscaping project. Students said that even though they didn’t know the people personally, it felt really good to know they were helping their own community and making a difference.

Submitted by:  Susanna Barbee, Waynesville Middle School