Each August, school buses around the country are started up and roll out for the beginning of another school year. While there are many ways to get to school, riding a school bus is by far the safest mode of transportation for students. Safer than walking, riding a bike or riding in another vehicle. Riding the bus is not only one of the safest ways to get to school, it is also one of the most economical options for parents with a tight budget. Buses in the US travel billions of miles each year getting students to and from school. 99.99% of those miles are traveled safely and without any problems. Unfortunately, even the safest form of transportation has its risks. For bus passengers, the most dangerous moments during these trips will be when they get on and off of a school bus. If you are traveling in the mornings and afternoons, please be mindful of the school buses around you and be ready to stop your vehicle and keep our students safe!

Thanks, and have a great school year!



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