August 2, 2012
To: All Employees and Volunteers
From: Dr. Anne Garrett
Re: Liability Insurance for Public School Employees
In compliance with HB950, within 60 days of the effective date of the budget signing, LEAs and charter schools have the responsibility of notifying all employees about the coverage provided by the state-funded liability insurance policy for North Carolina public school employees. Employees must be notified in writing.
Excess Professional Liability coverage is provided to all employees up to $1 million per occurrence with a $1 million aggregate.
Coverage for consultation with an attorney regarding violation of professional or employment related right is provided at $2,500 per claim, subject to a $5,000 aggregate per employee, per policy year.
Reasonable and necessary attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by an employee arising from a criminal proceeding alleging a criminal act was committed within the professional activities of an employee are covered up to $50,000. Employee must be found “not guilty” of all criminal charges.
Employees are encouraged to visit for a copy of the insurance contract.
Employees are encouraged to visit for information about this state-funded program and details on How to File a Claim.
Liability Insurance for Public School Employees is provided to all employees, including volunteers of public and charter schools. There is no enrollment process, nor is there a fee or premium charge to employees.