Heath Shuler visits North Canton ElementaryOn Wednesday November 9, North Canton Elementary School was honored to have Congressman Heath Shuler come and speak about the federal government. When Congressman Shuler arrived, the students were quietly waiting in anticipation. He came in and immediately engaged all students in a mock Congress simulation.

He was speaking to grades 3-5. He divided them evenly, making half the Senate, and the other half the House of Representatives. Fourth-grade student, Sydney Messer, had an opportunity to be the “citizen” proposing a law. She wanted to make a law stating that all children under the age of 12 must be off the streets by 9 p.m. Congressman Shuler walked the students through the legislative process of making a bill become a law, using Sydney’s proposal. This activity made law-making real for the students. This was the first time most students had an opportunity to see and speak to a political figure, and the exercise brought the U.S. government operations down to a level of understanding of the third, fourth and fifth graders.

Congressman Shuler then had a time where students could ask questions regarding the legislative process and his personal experiences as a member of Congress. He encouraged students to become more involved and well prepared citizens.

~Photo courtesy of North Canton Elementary

