On Wednesday, December 18th, Central Elementary School held a December Around the World Extravaganza. Students traveled by classes to several of ten stations that celebrated customs and traditions from around the world. Students “traveled” to Germany to learn the tradition of the pickle on the tannenbaum and make a stuffed pickle ornament. This was led by Laurie Bass and CES teachers Mrs. Blackburn and Ms. DelBene. In China, Mrs. Wilkerson led students to make a dragon puppet relating to Chinese New Year. At the African station, students were treated to a drum performance by drummer Robert Brown. They got to try their hands at drumming African-style as is often done for Kwanzaa. A Mexican treat of quesadillas with fruit and yogurt from the tradition of Las Posadas. Laura Lanning, Mrs. Boone, and Mrs. Nickol led this delicious, fun-filled activity. In the gym, students were able to learn a dance from Israel relating to Hanukkah from Sheila Sumpter and PE teacher, Ms. Taylor. Mrs. Wilhelm taught students to create a lotus flower from the festival of lights in Thailand. Students enjoyed the creativity as they traced, cut, and made the leaves curl as part of the flower assembly. England’s traditions as experienced in Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol led students to decorate a Christmas cookie similar to what the English use for tea. Mrs. Frazier discussed how the story has been interpreted through the years and read a children’s version of A Christmas Carol to the students. Michael Beadle, a local writer and poet, lead students to write parodies of various carols in celebration of the traditions in the United States, and Mrs. Warren shared the tradition of story-telling with the students. Carols from around the world were sung with Mrs. Brown, music teacher to recognize varied cultures. The students were busy, but the arts-rich, hands-on activities were a great teaching and learning tool for all involved.