Haywood County Schools is gearing up to offer the 1st annual Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Summer Science Camp for current 4th grade AIG students. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Camp is designed to captivate the interest of students and enhance their science knowledge by providing a variety of high quality experiences. Camp activities include, but are not limited to (1) creating video games through coding instruction (2) cool Chemistry experiments (3) exploring weather through interactive, hands-on experiments, and (3) utilizing microscopes to study cells.

“This camp will be very hands-on and engaging for students,” said Jill Barker the school district’s AIG Director. “Mark Ethridge, a retired Physics teacher will be the camp’s lead instructor. Other highly qualified instructors will be teaching sessions and conducting experiments. If all goes well, we hope to expand the camp next summer to include additional students.”

The camp will be held at Clyde Elementary, June 29-July 1 from 8:00-3:00. The registration fee is $10.00 and scholarships are available if needed. Parents will be responsible for providing transportation, a snack and lunch. A letter with registration information will be sent home with AIG students who are in 4th grade during the current 2014-15 school year.

“We are excited about this opportunity for students to explore science in a fun and interactive environment,” said Jill Barker. “To register students, parents can complete the registration information at the bottom of the letter we send home and return it with the registration fee to the child’s AIG teacher. The registration deadline is May 22nd. Additional information will be provided after registration is completed.”

Contact: Dr. Bill Nolte, Associate Superintendent and Jill Barker, AIG Director

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