This is a follow up to the information we shared with parents and the community on January 12, 2018.  We are experiencing a nationwide Flu epidemic and Haywood County is not immune or exempt.  The school system has seen some fluctuations in absences for students and staff as well as Flu diagnoses across the schools.

Two weeks ago, we shared cleaning recommendations with schools and posted precautionary Flu information on our website and on social media.  In order to limit the impact of Flu in our community, we will all need to work together.  Attached is a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) poster with good information.  In addition, we ask staff, students and parents to use the following guidelines:

  1. If you suspect Flu in your family, please seek medical attention immediately.  There have been dozens of deaths across the nation and we should all take this year’s Flu season very seriously.
  2. Everyone should cover coughs and sneezes with their arm.
  3. Handwashing is important year-round.  It is especially helpful during Flu and other contagious outbreaks.
  4. Disinfecting frequently used surfaces like counter tops and door knobs is helpful.
  5. Individuals who have a medically diagnosed case of the Flu should stay at home at least 24 hours after fever is gone (without the use of anti-fever reducing medications.)  This applies to children and adults in school and non-school settings.

Under the current circumstances we do not anticipate closing school for Flu.  However, we will continue to monitor the situation and consult with our public health partners.

CDC Poster:  “Take 3” Actions to Fight the Flu

Contact:  Dr. Bill Nolte, Associate Superintendent