Haywood County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 30, 2018.  It will be an Annual Leave Day.  This day will be made up for students on Wednesday, June 13th.  This is the ninth (9th) missed school day for the current school year.  Haywood County Schools has a ten-year average of eight (8) missed days.  When planning the annual school calendar, the school system plans for an average number of inclement weather days (8).  When that number is reached, school calendar management becomes more difficult.  The extremely cold temperatures this fall and winter have resulted in delayed melting of snow and ice.  This has extended school closure periods after winter weather events.

At this point, the school system has used most of the planned weather make up days for the school year.  If additional days are missed due to inclement weather, the next three make up days will be as follows:

  1. “No Day” for 10 Month Employees – This day will be made up for students and 10 month employees on Thursday, June 14th.
  2. “No Day” for 10 Month Employees – This day will be made up for students and 10 month employees on Friday, June 15th.
  3. “Annual Leave Day” – This day will be made up for students on Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day).  Schools will celebrate Memorial Day with recognition activities if school is in session on May 28th.

The inclement weather make up plan also allows Saturday make up days and days during Spring Break.  As we move through the remainder of this winter, we will continue to explore all reasonable and viable options including items listed above and the possibility of waiving days while maintaining a minimum of 1,025 instructional hours as required by law.