I want to tell you how proud I am.  You have risen to the occasion.  Today, I and other system-level staff had the opportunity to see many of you at work.  By 5:00 p.m. you had:

  • Provided over 2,200 meals
  • Distributed hundreds of educational activities in paper and digital form
  • Loaned students 948 Chromebooks and other devices
  • Provided many calming smiles to our students and families

Some of this work is still going on this evening and will continue through the day tomorrow.

In crisis situations like this, you can clearly see the true character of people.  You are great people.  You care about children learning and having food to eat.

Many of you understand that we are working to put supports in place for students.  We have just completed the first two days of a two-week school closure.  Many of you have transformed educational delivery in your schools.  At this time, we do not know how long we will be closed for students. The State Board of Education meets tomorrow. The Governor will give us additional information regarding the length of school closures.

When appropriate student supports are in place, we will consider working from home and other assignment adjustments for teachers and other employee groups.  Unfortunately, most of our non-certified (classified) employees cannot work from home and will lose income if they do not work on site. We need to remember and support these employees as we move through these most unusual times.

We will provide additional guidance for you when appropriate student supports are in place for our seven-thousand (7,000) students across our fifteen (15) schools.  We ask for your patience, understanding, and support.

Contact:  Dr. Bill Nolte, Superintendent