This morning NCDPI held a webinar with state level officials from the School Business Division and Human Resources Division.  We were not surprised by their guidance and have shared similar responses to previous questions from staff members.  The following guidance was provided to school systems regarding leave for all employee groups.  Please keep in mind this is the current guidance and could change at any time by order of the Governor.

  • Executive Order 117 closed schools for students.  This is considered an instructional closure not an infectious disease closure at this time.  The best way to understand this type of closure is to compare it to a school closure because of a snow storm in our area.
  • Since this is an instructional closure, these days are considered mandatory workdays for staff and should be treated as such.  All full-time or part-time permanent employees are expected to come to work.
  • If you are unable to come to work due to an illness, compromised immune system, child care, or any other reason, you are required by the state to use accumulated leave with the authorization of your principal or supervisor.
  • If you exhaust leave, your absences would need to be without pay.
  • Currently, there is no approved state provision for leave with pay from the state other than your accumulated leave.  Employees on long-term leave such as maternity leave (etc.), are in the same status as if school were in session.

At some point in the future, the state legislature may act to provide funds to make employees whole and restore leave days.  This move by the legislature cannot be guaranteed.  In the interim, we have been instructed to use accumulated leave.  We are working very hard to ensure that all employees have meaningful work to do and remain safe during this crisis.  We appreciate your hard work and understanding.

When we pass the initial peak of work associated with establishing student educational support and meals for young people in the community, we would like to transition to Optional Work Days.  We hope to make an announcement about this in a few days.  This is an evolving situation.  We will update you as we receive additional guidance.



Contact:  Dr. Bill Nolte, Superintendent