In an effort to collect stakeholder input, we are providing the following Return to Learn survey. Governor Cooper released reopening guidance for public schools on July 14th. School systems may reopen under plan B and using Phase II guidance for health and safety.

The following are highlights for plan B reopening:

  • Face coverings required for every teacher, staff and student K-12.
  • 6 feet of distancing is required (alternate days, alternate weeks, etc…)
  • Daily symptom screenings prior to entering school buildings
  • Regular cleaning schedules will be established
  • Nonessential visitors and activities involving outside organizations will be limited.

Please consider this when completing the survey. Due to the timeliness of this matter, we are requesting surveys to be submitted by Monday, July 20th at 12:00 pm. If you have questions or concerns about this survey, please call the Central Office at 456-2400.

