The Haywood County Schools Board of Education voted to amend the 2021-22 school calendar during the August 9, 2021 regularly scheduled meeting. Friday, October 15th is now a regular student day and Tuesday, October 19th is now a Remote Learning Optional Workday.

This change was made so students and staff can be in session on the day of the nationally recognized rivalry football game between the school system’s two largest high schools. “When the Calendar Committee designed and the Board approved the original calendar, we did not know the date of our big game,” said Dr. Bill Nolte, Superintendent. “Our schools were reclassified last year and conference scheduling was not complete at that time. We think it will be better if our students and staff are in school on the 15th, the day of the big game.”

Friday, October 15th is now a regular student day. Monday, October 18th will remain as an Optional Teacher Workday. Tuesday, October 19th is now a Remote Learning Optional Workday.

Contact: Dr. Bill Nolte, Superintendent